In recognition of the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Alessandra Stanley wrote in the New York Times that "not many ... officials were eager to go on television to defend the administration's handling of the relief effort," and that Cavuto was forced to turn "to boxing promoter Don King" to "praise the president."
"Well, the president is, I think, is a revolutionary president. He stands for inclusiveness. And not only that. He has given more women freedom than any other president in history. With the … Afghanistan … and Iraq ... and the Middle East, he has freed a lot of women. So, when the women's groups know," replied King in answer to Caputo’s question about Hurricane Katrina, "they must take note of that. A lot of women now, they've got the liberties and the freedoms, and they'll be able to vote and to be able to be active. It's because of George Walker Bush."
Cavuto tried to steer the questioning back to the subject of Bush and his handling of Katrina, and asked about the recent criticism of the president by Sen. John Kerry, and the very recent criticism of the president by giddy fitness guru Richard Simmons, which King had been listening to and watching while waiting in the Green Room before going on the air.
"Well," said King about the senator from Massachusetts, "I think that, you know, you have to take it for what it's really worth. You know, John Kerry, you know, I love the man. He's a great American, but he's a flip-flopper. So, when you're flip-flopping all the time, you don't know what stand he's really taking. So, we can disregard that."
About health nut Richard Simmons King said, "Richard Simmons is one of the greatest exercisers in the world. I adore him, his energy, his vitality to be able to exercise. But in running a country, and knowing all the different idiosyncrasies and appealing to all the people, such as George Bush is doing, Richard should stick with the exercising. Know what I mean?"
King described Katrina as "God's work" which revealed "that we had a Third World nation within the most, the most plush, luxurious, and wealthiest nation in the world. When you find that Katrina, the devastating part about Katrina, that we had people living in squalor and blight and want in Mississippi, in New Orleans and in the Mississippi Delta belt just as though they were in slavery in 1865. This is the exposure. Now, getting to take care of them, yes, little short there. You were tardy. But to recognize what it is now, and to have a mayor down there, that's Nagin, and they've got the money that they have put up to be able to do — "
Cavuto interrupted. "What do you think of Mayor Nagin?"
"I like Nagin," said King about New Orleans' controversial mayor. "I think sometimes, he, you know, he steps over the bar, but so's do everybody else. You know what I mean? I think he's down there. He got reelected. He stood the test of time."
King has given a lot of money for hurricane relief, something approaching a half mil, according to Cavuto, who then pointed out that King’s money, and the missing billions funneled from the government, seems not to have made it to New Orleans.
"That's a problem that we have to really try to get at," King said. "You know what I mean? To find out where the organizational dis-structure is, and put it into a proper fitting."
A good answer, but maybe not the answer Cavuto was looking for, because he asked King if he thought that money had been stolen.
"No, I don't think. It may, it may," King repeated, "being misplaced or not going through the pipelines as readily as it should. And I think that's where our attention should be. Just as we have all of these great organizations, the FBI, the CIA, Interpol, and the IRS, we ought to have enough brains to find out how to funnel and channel money back to where the necessary — "
Caputo interrupted again to press his point. "I've been down there, Don," he said with feeling. "They (the people) all say, 'God, we hate 'em (politicians) all.' Do you think that's justified?"
Cavuto told King that 90% of all African-American voters voted for Kerry, or against Bush, in the last presidential election, and so King’s embrace of Bush seems an anomaly at best, cynicism at worst.
King said that African-Americans had been "indoctrinated" and "totally bamboozled," but that "it will jibe once they understand. Bush has made inclusiveness. You know, he had Colin Powell. And there's the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, as to security. You know, now, either Bush is totally insane, or he put two blacks — who are shiftless, worthless, no account, that we all lie, cheat and steal — you know what I mean? — into positions of security, for both those who are proponents of America and those who are opponents of America. And so, he is either a man of God. Now, you know that Moses, you know, God told Moses to go to the, to the pharaohs, say, 'Let my people go.' Well, he touched George Walker Bush, and said, 'Let my people in.'"
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